World of Warcraft Rogue Guide

World of Warcraft Rogue Guide. World of Warcraft Rogue Guide You have come to the conclusion that your rogue talent build isn't performing the way you had hoped? Constantly losing duels against classes that you should be able to beat easily? Having trouble deciding on the weapons you should use? Is that special dagger you're coveting beyond your reach because it's just too expensive? What if there was a way to solve all of these problems? Our WoW Rogue Guide offers the answers to all these and even more questions, bursting at the seams with information that will transform your rogue into a stealthy instrument of death and mayhem! Featured in the WoW Rogue guide - Reach level 80 in under 10 days time - No more worries about which armor and weapons you should own - we show you level by level - Killer talent builds that will make you top the DPS charts - Complete walkthroughs for all of your quests - Become the terror of the battlegrounds and arenas by using our special anti-class tactics - Make tons of gold the way only a rogue can! Leveling strategiesDiscover the best spots to level your rogue. Know which quests you should take and which to ignore and hit level 80 in record time with unique leveling strategies that the super-fast levelers use. InstancesSick of attempting boss fights over and over again? Read up on proven tactics to defeat the bosses featured in this guide and find out just how easy it can be. ProfessionsWith a comprehensive look into crafting professions and an explanation of the pros and cons from a rogue's point of view, get the guide and start making informed decisions with no regrets right now! AddonsFind out which addons the experts are using. The recommendations featured in the guide will provide you with a significant performance boost! Updates are FreeThat's right: free. Any future updates of our guides are included in the purchase price. Whenever a guide is updated, you will receive a notification by email. Simply log into your account and download the update from the Members Area for free! If you want to know about all the best talent builds, the ideal gear.

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